Record Sealing Case Quote

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Record Sealing Case Quote

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Type of Criminal Defense Representation

You’ve been charged with a crime:
You haven’t been charged with a crime but fear you may be charged and you’re seeking pre-filing representation*:
* Pre-filing representation is a legal service provided by criminal defense attorneys before formal charges are filed against an individual. During this early stage, law enforcement agencies are gathering evidence and assessing whether there are grounds to proceed with charges. By hiring Rights & Liberties Law Firm to represent you at the prefiling stage we can communicate with law enforcement on your behalf to learn if you’re under investigation for a crime, provide additional information to law enforcement or address misunderstandings to mitigate a pending criminal investigation. If it appears that your case is going to be referred to prosecutors we can negotiate with prosecutors early on and potentially steer your case towards diversion programs, reduced charges, or deferred prosecutions. We will also ensure that evidence favorable to the defense is preserved during the prefiling stage.
You’re on probation but facing a probation revocation:
You’re on probation and want help terminating probation:
You need help sealing criminal records:
What classification of offense needs to be sealed?*
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